Terms and Conditions

Bookings & Payment

  1. BHAA membership is required for all participants, ground only and riding, for all events unless explicitly stated otherwise. If you are unsure which level is suitable for you, please ask CVHA who will advise.
  2. Payment in full is required to secure a participant’s place at any event/session held by the CVHA.
  3. Payment in full includes the venue fees and each venue has a cancellation policy with cancellation fees. Therefore, payment in full includes a non-refundable portion to cover these fees.
  4. Wherever possible, cancellation of the event will lead to transfer of venue fees for those participants to a later date but this cannot be guaranteed.
  5. Cancellation of the event by CVHA will lead to a refund of coach’s fees to participants.
  6. Wherever possible, cancellation by a participant will lead to transfer of payment in full to an event at a later date but this cannot be guaranteed.
  7. Publicised fees are calculated on a set number of participants sharing the venue fees. Where this set number of participants cannot be obtained by 10 days before the event, participants that have booked will be asked if they are willing to continue with the increased cost. If they are not willing to continue with the event, the event will be cancelled and payments carried forward or refunded.
  8. All under 16s must be accompanied by an adult.

Horses, Riding and Venue Etiquette.

  1. Each venue has its own set of rules about conduct and cleanliness on the yard. CVHA will send copies of these rules upon booking. Anyone found not following the rules of the yard may be asked to not return.
  2. All riders must have a riding hat that fulfils 2023 safety standards. More details can be found on the BHS website or the CVHA Facebook page or please contact us if in doubt. A list of acceptable safety standards can be found at the end of this document. Hats will be checked by coaches at the rider’s first CVHA session.
  3. Body protectors may be worn but air jackets cannot be used in a group session.
  4. New riders to the CVHA will be required to fill out a number of forms for our club insurance and possible a venue disclaimer form. These can be done in advance or when you arrive at the venue and participation will not be permitted until forms are submitted to the coach/coach’s deputy.
  5. Please arrive in good time wherever possible. It’s advisable to arrive at least 20mins before the start of a session.

Current hat safety standards

Hats must have one of the following: